This Wondrous Thing


AKA Redeemed 
Based on Isaiah 40, 41 & 44 
key: C 
CCLI No. 7219278 

Verse 1 
I am the Lord who made all things 
and I will never grow weary 
Even youths become weak and tired 
but those who trust in Me will not grow faint. 
Come unto Me, come unto Me 
and I will give you rest and strength anew. 

Rejoice, for you are redeemed! (2x) 
The heavens will sing of this wondrous thing 
The depths of the earth will shout for joy 
The mountains and the forests and ev'ry tree 
will burst forth into song 
for you are redeemed and the Lord is glorified. 

Verse 2 
I am the Lord who chose you 
and I will never throw you away 
I will give you strength and will help you 
and hold you with my hand of victory. 
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid 
I am your God and I will be with you. 

Verse 3 
I am the Lord who made you 
and I will never forget you 
Your sins I've swept away like a cloud 
and scattered them like the morning mist 
Come back to me, come back to me 
for I have paid the price to set you free 

You are redeemed and the Lord is glorified

Copyright 2023 Connie R Smith
Free for non-commercial use


This Wondrous Thing - Lyrics Song words (PDF file) 6.79 KB
This Wondrous Things - Chord Sheet - key C Lyrics and chord symbols in key of C (PDF file) 31.9 KB
This Wondrous Thing - Lead Sheet - key of C Lyrics, melody and chord symbols in key of C (PDF file) 281 KB